Lawn Mowers for Business: A Guide to Choosing the Right One Complete Guide

Tired of struggling with your lawn mowing business? Want to choose the perfect lawn mower for your needs?

This guide will help you pick the perfect machine for all your grass-cutting needs. You will learn about all the features and options available so you can make an informed decision for your business. Get ready to tackle those yards!

When selecting the perfect lawn mower for your business, you need to take into consideration a few factors including the type of terrain you plan to mow, the size of your yard, and the specific needs of your business. To help you make an informed decision, this guide will provide an overview of the different types of commercial lawn mowers available and how to select the best one for your needs. Understanding the various characteristics and benefits associated with each type of lawn mower will ensure that you purchase a machine that is both efficient and cost-effective for your business. From reel mowers to zero-turn mowers, this guide will cover it all.

Explanation of the topic

  1. Lawn mowers are a necessity for businesses looking to maintain their lawns, gardens and general landscaping. There is an array of different lawn mowers to choose from, each designed to meet the specific needs of businesses. This guide will provide an in-depth look at the different types of commercial lawn mowers available and how they can help businesses achieve the desired look while remaining within budget.
  2. The type of commercial lawn mower that best suits your business depends on the size and layout of your landscapes as well as the type of turf you want to use. It’s important to consider budget when making a decision, but even more so you should prioritize safety, environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. In this guide we will highlight these factors as well as key features you should look out for when selecting a commercial lawn mower for your business.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Lawn Mower

When shopping for a lawn mower, there are many factors to consider. Price, size and maintenance needs can all be important considerations when making a purchase. The most important factor to consider is the type of mower that best fits the needs of your business. Different types of mowers are suited for various tasks such as trimming around trees or completing detailed edging along driveways and sidewalks.

Below are the different types of lawn mowers and important characteristics of each:

  1. Walk-behind Mowers: Walk-behind mowers are designed for smaller jobs. They generally move with a speed of four mph, so they can be used in larger areaswith long grasses. The lighter weight makes it easier to move around obstacles like trees or rocks while still doing an effective job cutting grass evenly and quickly.
  2. Zero-Turn Mowers: Zero-turn mowers have more power than walk-behind mowers and can reach speeds up to six mph, which is helpful for larger areas with thickly grown grasses or turfgrass types that take multiple passes to cut correctly. They also provide a wide range of maneuverability, including sharp turns with minimal damage to turfgrass or planted areas in between.
  3. Riding Mower Tractors: Riding mower tractors work well on properties with very large areas that need extensive coverage such as golf courses or orange groves needing frequent trimming due to sandy terrain or heavier species of grasses such as Bermuda grasses common in the Southwest United States. On these properties, the majority of work can be done on riding equipment rather than pushing a unit like in many residential applications which saves time and money in labor costs over the long term use of these units resulting in increased productivity/output for any given day regardless if it is finished in 6 hours or 12 hours depending on customer preferences/demands upon completion.
  4. Push Mower Reel Types: Push reel mowers don’t require gasoline fuel like other machines do so they’re much cheaper over time compared to powered equipment options discussed previously. And since they require less maintenance than powered machines they save even more money over time while they still cut reasonably well enough using relief cutting bar blades similar across standard models with some differences dependant upon manufacturer choice which generally comes down customer’s cost preference if considering them vs having garage sale prices placed upon them due depreciating labor values required before work being completed compared to other models having had been there before being lower priced because they were last year’s higher end model despite sharing same knives having only single speed gear management depending largely upon weather considerations if its wet then no propulsion can occur if damp then limited propulsion until clean dry weather has set in place allowing cleaning dusting crews maneuver their way about non residential parts clearing out dust caked surfaces ready for next operations shortly thereafter taking place should prior models malfunction easily remedying service agent repair calls from earlier during initial start up phase surprisingly shortening repair wait times reducing overall timescales periods significantly either way through prior job length optimization scheduling tactics ensuring job tracking remains streamlined throughout process closely watched internally.

Size of the business

The size of the business or the yard that needs to be maintained will often determine the type of lawn mower best suited to your needs. Smaller yards can typically be maintained with a push mower, while larger yards may require a riding mower. When choosing a lawn mower, consider factors like ease of storage, difficulty in transport, the size and shape of the terrain, and how often it will be used. For those who are hoping to use their machines on steep slopes or rough terrain, self-propelled models are available.

Businesses with large yards may opt for walk-behind slope or zero turn radius mowers as they may not require as much physical labor as push mowers. Professional landscapers and users who frequently need to navigate large expanses may find small ride-on tractors most efficient for handling large projects quickly.

Regardless of whether you own your own business or just need something for weekend work around the house, understanding your unique needs is key when selecting a lawn mower that is right for you.

Maintenance and repair needs

When you are choosing a lawn mower for your business, one of the most important things that you need to consider is its maintenance and repair needs. It is important to select a mower that is suitable for the type of terrain it will be used on, as well as how many times per week you expect it to be used. You should take into account the amount of wear and tear that can occur over time, and what type of service is available in your area.

Regular maintenance plays an important role in keeping your lawn equipment in top shape, extending its lifespan and eliminating expensive repairs. Accumulated dirt and debris should be regularly removed from mower blades, spark plugs serviced at least once a year, oil levels checked routinely throughout the season (at least once per month) and unexpected repairs taken care of promptly by qualified technicians. In addition to scheduled servicing, parts replacement may also be necessary at times depending on how much use your mower gets. Parts kits should include any safety components such as guard covers or shields should also be kept on hand in case something fails or becomes worn down.

Of course, if you select an automatic lawnmower then all these considerations are handled for you by the manufacturer with no additional servicing required on your part!

Environmental impact

These days business owners are more conscious than ever of the environmental impact of their operations. When selecting a lawn mower for your business, it’s important to consider both the durability and efficiency of the unit and its impact on the environment.

Electric mowers are significantly more energy efficient than gas-powered models. They require no gas or oil, so they have no emissions during use, making them a cleaner alternative. Electric mowers reduce noise pollution as well, which can be a concern in residential or commercial areas.

If you’re looking to reduce your overall emissions and help protect the environment, consider opting for a hybrid lawn mower that offers both electric and gas power sources. These units are relatively new to the market and can offer some of the advantages of each while minimizing emissions caused by gas powered models.

Finally, if you’re using an open-source fuel such as biodiesel or E85 ethanol for your gasoline powered mowers, you can reduce your company’s overall carbon footprint dramatically—sometimes up to 90 percent! With careful consideration and an eye towards conservation, it is possible to find an efficient yet environmentally friendly lawn mower for your business needs.

7 Best Stand On Mowers in 2022 - Commercial Mower Reviews

Frequency of use

When it comes to lawn mowing, frequency of use is a key factor in determining which type of lawn mower will work best for your business. If you plan to mow lawns daily or occasionally on weekends, a self-propelled walk-behind model may be the ideal option. Self-propelled mowers allow you to cover more ground in a short period of time with minimal effort.

However, if you plan to mow on an occasional or occasional weekly basis, a push reel or manual walk behind model may be the better choice due to their lower cost and lighter weight.

For larger jobs that involve frequent mowing, or for businesses that need the capability of cutting wet grass, commercial ride-on models are recommended. These machines provide better traction and stability when traversing uneven terrains and inclines, as well as taller grass heights than other types of mowers can handle. Additionally, many professional riders come standard with several useful accessories and attachments such as utility dumpers, tow hitches and deck width extensions that help make these machines incredibly versatile tools for completing even the most demanding landscaping jobs.


When looking for a lawn mower to fit the needs of your business, it’s important to consider how much you can reasonably afford. You may choose to buy used equipment or opt for leasing options. Additionally, it is essential to factor in any ongoing costs associated with using the same equipment.

Price is an important element when selecting the right tool for your outdoor project. If you are on a tight budget, look for deals on secondhand items as they can often be recycled and still meet expectations without costing too much upfront. On the other hand, sometimes leasing can be more economically efficient than buying new equipment if you don’t have regular large jobs that require diverse tools; either way, make sure to do some research first and compare different resources to find out what works best with your budget!

If you decide money isn’t an issue and would rather get high-end machinery for more precise work executed at optimal speed level- then this could be something worth investing in. It is important to also take into consideration factors such as warranty/guarantee length given by manufactures- this time frame determines when/if any repairs are needed in case of breakdowns; another thing that should be kept in mind is whether or not there are benefits resulting from any regular maintenance plans associated with certain products- this might include cost savings due reduced sum equivalents per individual session visit! Ultimately, its up to each business owner which option best suits their pocketbook and efficiency needs- so make sure information relevant expenses are explored before making any commitment decisions!

Maintenance and Care of Lawn Mowers

A lawn mower is an essential tool for maintaining a neat and orderly outdoor space, yet they require regular care and maintenance in order to function properly. The frequency of full servicing should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations on a yearly basis; however, general upkeep is necessary between services and will include lubrication of moving parts, cleaning of air filters, sharpening of blades and checking electrical connections are intact.

Regular care will ensure your mower will perform optimally when you need it most. Depending on the model you choose, there may be additional maintenance tasks that require attention. This could include detailed seasonal tasks such as winterizing your machine or cleaning debris from the engine area if necessary.

Not only does proper maintenance extend the lifespan of your mower but also prevents potential problems which could lead to major repair costs or worse – leaving you with no unkempt grass on your property during peak season! Taking good care of your equipment also ensures it is working at its best capacity when needed most; ensuring green and well-kept lawns all year round.

Daily maintenance

Daily maintenance is essential for any machine that is used regularly and a lawn mower for business is no exception. The following checklist should be followed to ensure your mower lasts as long as possible:

  1. Check all belts, cables and hoses for wear, abrasion and fraying. Repair or replace any damaged components before using the mower.
  2. Inspect the oil levels and refuel if needed.
  3. Replenish fluids such as brake, transmission, coolant and hydraulic oils in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
  4. Make sure the air filter is clean and in good condition before every use to keep pollutants from entering the engine formulation into it.
  5. Lubricate adjustable parts according to the lubrication schedule provided by the manufacturer of your mower model or check its owner’s manual for directions regarding proper lubrication areas or products types.
  6. Sharpen blades regularly or replace them when they become dull, making sure they are balanced properly afterwards so your mower works efficiently with less noise from vibration even on rough terrain surfaces.
  7. Clean any dirt, grass clippings or mud off of your mower after each use in order to prevent damage due to corrosion and water accumulation on its exterior surfaces.

Seasonal maintenance

In addition to the standard maintenance necessary for any lawn mower, there are a few additional considerations that come into play when using a lawn mower for business purposes. Seasonal maintenance is an important factor to consider as it will help ensure your machine is consistently well-maintained and provide a better overall experience for customers.

Spring Maintenance: As temperatures begin to rise and weather conditions become more favorable, preparing your lawn mower at the start of the season is a crucial task. Inspect all hoses, lines, and oil levels prior to use and make sure any winter wear and tear has been repaired. Also ensure that the blades have been properly sharpened in order to provide clients with sufficient cutting power.

Summer Maintenance: Mowing can be especially hard work in summer months due to high temperatures, humidity, and heavy rain or storms. Although it may be hard work — stick with your regular schedule of checking oil levels, filters, tires/tubes, etc on every service cycle or after each job; this will help you spot any potential problems before they become worse.

Fall Maintenance: During fall months water may take longer to evaporate off grass so it’s even more important than usual to make sure blades are performing efficiently and are sharpened properly. You may also wish to prepare your lawn mower by draining fuel tanks filled during the summer season or adding fuel stabilizers in order to protect against freezing temperatures during winter months.

Winter Maintenance: The wear and tear caused by cold climates can often be extremely damaging so it’s advisable either not use your lawnmower during cold weather periods or if you must use it then take extra precaution when doing so (e.g wear warm clothes). Be sure all lubricants are checked regularly throughout the colder months as these components can seize up quickly if not looked after correctly. Additionally, if storing for long periods of time – drain tanks completely prior to storage otherwise engine corrosion can occur due to condensation in fuel lines from temperature fluctuations throughout wintertime.

Commercial Lawn Mowing - Sneller


In conclusion, choosing the right business lawn mower is an important decision that requires careful consideration. There are a variety of factors to consider when purchasing a lawn mower, such as size, weight, power and cost.

Additionally, it’s important to make sure that the type of mower chosen is compatible with the specific needs of your business and the conditions present at your location. Beyond picking the right model for your needs it is also important to select a trusted brand with a good reputation for producing quality equipment that can be relied on for many years to come.

With thoughtful research into present needs and future growth potentials along with proper maintenance of equipment, selecting the right lawn mower for your business can be well worth the investment – reducing costs over time from energy savings and reparation costs.


What is a good lawn mower to start a business with? 

A commercial-grade, durable and reliable lawn mower is ideal for starting a business.

How do I choose the right size lawn mower? 

The size of your lawn should determine the size of your lawn mower. A larger lawn requires a larger mower.

What type of lawnmower is best? 

The best type of lawn mower depends on the size and type of lawn you have. Options include gas-powered, electric, and manual mowers.

Who are the target market for lawn mowers? 

The target market for lawn mowers includes homeowners, landscaping companies, and golf courses.

Is commercial mowing profitable? 

Yes, commercial mowing can be profitable, especially when serving a large and consistent customer base.

What is the most common type of lawn mower? 

The most common type of lawn mower is the gas-powered push mower.

How much HP should a lawn mower have? 

The horsepower of a lawn mower depends on the size of the lawn, but typically ranges from 4 to 7 HP.

What size mower is best for 1 acre?

 For 1 acre, a riding mower with a cutting deck of at least 42 inches is recommended.

Is a 42 inch mower big enough? 

Yes, a 42-inch mower is big enough for most residential lawns and even some small commercial properties.

What are three types of mowers? 

Three types of mowers are push mowers, riding mowers, and zero-turn mowers.

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